Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Sunday was a beautiful day. I got up and went riding and next to the barn was a Burkinabe festival going on. As I finished up music started and it was just beautiful. Later in the day I went to play tennis just on the other side of the field where the festival was being played. It was just so idyllic: playing tennis with a friend with music and dancing and good food smells coming from the field, other friends out playing soccer, Shane playing tennis with another group of friends and being able to look past all the festival tents and see another friend out riding. Just amazing the life we have here.
Last night I had a pleasant surprise in the form of a beautifully wrapped gift and thank you note from my tennis coach because I had helped him order some tennis equipment online. Things like that are prohibitively expensive here, for example a can of balls is $20 versus $2.50 in the US.

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