Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Sunday was a beautiful day. I got up and went riding and next to the barn was a Burkinabe festival going on. As I finished up music started and it was just beautiful. Later in the day I went to play tennis just on the other side of the field where the festival was being played. It was just so idyllic: playing tennis with a friend with music and dancing and good food smells coming from the field, other friends out playing soccer, Shane playing tennis with another group of friends and being able to look past all the festival tents and see another friend out riding. Just amazing the life we have here.
Last night I had a pleasant surprise in the form of a beautifully wrapped gift and thank you note from my tennis coach because I had helped him order some tennis equipment online. Things like that are prohibitively expensive here, for example a can of balls is $20 versus $2.50 in the US.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Things I don't like...

1. That things here don't start on time. I understand certain cultural differences, but three hours after a dinner is supposed to start and I haven't had my drink or dinner order taken is just too much. Also having 2 servers for about 75 people just doesn't work. Think ahead guys.

2.  People that get impatient when you are slowing down to make a left turn and decide to pass on your left as you start your turn.

3.  Humidity and pollution.

Things I like...

6. Coasters at bars and restaurants are used on top of, rather than under drinks. It keeps the flies out.

7.  I think its funny that I've seen Barack (and Che) on several "gbaka" buses but haven't seen Gbagbo on any.  

8.  I also find it funny that someone tried to shake me down for money to pass on my own street because some of their construction was blocking it.  After moving some things out of my way a guy asked if I wanted to give him something!  WHAT?  To drive up my own street???

Friday, April 10, 2009

5. Seeing (and hearing) the big group of guys jogging and singing cadences at the University of Cocody. They made a couple of laps while we were at the Cambodian restaurant (another thing I love about Abidjan) and we really had no clue why they were jogging around singing, but it was fun.
2. The 'clap clap' runners give each other as encouragement. I have never lived in a place with so many runners. On weekend mornings especially the roads will be full of people out walking and running.

3. I like that Shane's Local Staff call me Madame Shane. We have a hard time figuring out first name/last name with them, and they clearly have the same problems for us.

4. I like being able to go horsebackriding in the morning before work. Its so nice to ride around by the lagoon, with a nice breeze and just puts me in such a good mood for the day.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Things I like about Abidjan

1. Sometimes in the morning, at a really crazy intersection, random guys will just stand in the middle of it directing traffic. Its funny and generally, they help.